March 18th International Recycling Day at CRI

International Recycling Day was established in 1994 by the U.S. International Bureau. It became global in 2018.

What is the 3RV-E?

« 3RV-E » expression describes a proactive and comprehensive approach to waste management. The abbreviation stand for : Reduction at source, Reuse, Recycling and Valorization. And then, lastly the E stand for Elimination.

  • It’s a way to prioritize our actions to manage our residual materials in order to maximize the positive impact of our action.
  • Therefore, we can prevent our waste from ending up in landfill (i.e. in dumpsites).
  • These residual materials must be well managed because when they are discarded, they cause damage to the environment in addition to contaminating soil, air and water.

What do we do at CRI in relation with 3RV?

  • Reduce: Questioning the need of the product or service we are about to buy or use
  • Reuse: It’s often possible to use many times an item to fulfill its primary function, and this without modifying its appearance or its properties.  A healthier consumption pattern would extend the life of products.
  • Recycle: If the first 2 options can’t be executed, rather than sending waster to the landfill, by sorting our garbage cans, we make it take a different route, don’t hesitate to recycle.  Just respect the way sorting works.
  • Valorization: Use of a residual material to replace another to make it a different product from the original purpose.
  • Elimination


When you choose to send your rubbish elsewhere than the garbage, you make the decision to do arecovery. Here are some tips related to the 3RV for a better reduction at source, reuse and recycling to include everyday whether at work or at home: 

  • Wondering if you really need.
  • Bring reusable containers or bags when you make your lunch.
  • Use your own coffee cup.
  • Reuse items that could have a second life.
  • Sort your garbage to recycle what can be recycled.
  • Do not let run your vehicle unnecessarily.
  • Donate or sell goods that are no longer used.
  • Avoid single-use products.
  • Buy in bulk.
  • Buy used.
  • Buy recycled.
  • Avoid printing documents unnecessarily.
  • Do not let the water run for nothing.
  • Reduce your food consumption.
  • Reduce your electricity consumption (Turn off lights, heating, TV, computers).
  • Make some composting.
  • Take out the artist in you and make art!
  • ETC...


 Processing the 3RV is contributing of the environment protection in several ways:

  • It allows to use the material until its last breath.
  • It reduces wastage.
  • It reduces the amount of waste.
  • It preserves natural resources using secondary materials (instead of raw materials).
  • It feeds the earth. (Composting)
  • This reduces the production of greenhouse gas (GHG) emitted by factories and transportation.


We are always looking for new ideas to improve and reduce our consumption. Feel free to give us your feedback.