Implementation of OneWeb: Stay in Touch!


08 mai 2023

Since early February, we have been able to offer Wi-Fi calls and VoIP audio and video calls throughout the internet network in rooms at the site. Employees now have access to the different commonly used communication and distribution platforms.

Canadian Royalties: A Deployment Challenge

Canadian Royalties was one of the first Canadian businesses to join the OneWeb project. Of course, this meant challenges during implementation due to the fact that we were the first to adopt this technology in the Canadian North. Readjustments were required throughout 2022 during the testing and pre-pro- duction phases to meet our specific needs, as our deployment was one of the biggest for OneWeb in terms of users.

Increased Bandwidth

Total capacity for all links went from 20 Mbps to 200 Mbps, a significant increase in our internet bandwidth compared to previous years. This increase would not have been possible in our geographical area before the arrival of the technology behind OneWeb.

Positive Benefits

Obviously, OneWeb has positive benefits for Canadian Royalties. By offering faster bandwidth, we are now able to provide access to audio and video calls. In addition, response delays during au- dio conversations are now much shorter. Of course, increased bandwidth facilitates communications with family members, which is a plus when it comes to attracting and retaining job applicants.

Canadian Royalties is constantly evaluating opportunities to improve bandwidth and thus promote communication, even at a distance.

Aussi à lire

Siège social

800, boul. René-Lévesque O.
Bureau 410
Montréal (Québec) H3B 1X9
Tel.: 514 879-1688
Sans frais: 877 879-1688
Telec: 514 879-1795
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